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Monday, May 23, 2011
Conspiracy of Silence (Konspirasi Hening)

How hard is to seek for proper medical treatment in Indonesia? The answer is: it is as hard as searching for needle in the haystack. The poor have been kept as outcast who can never have access to health services. The rich always seek treatment overseas. At the same time, the victims of malpractices whose right have been violated almost all end up with zero results when comes to justice.
The Conspiracy Of Silence is deeply woven inside the corps of Indonesian medical doctors. Whereas, the rights of patients are consciously silenced and ignored without any protection from the government.
Gambar Bergerak, Indonesia. 2010.
78 min. Digital. Colour. Stereo
Indonesia.2009.18 min. MiniDV/DVD.Colour. Stereo
The dictator, Indonesian former President Soeharto, experienced his last crisis in Pertamina hospital. Hundreds of journalists reported his crisis until his death. Ucu Agustin was on location, together with journalists. She trying to capture their proceeding in January 2008.
The dictator, Indonesian former President Soeharto, experienced his last crisis in Pertamina hospital. Hundreds of journalists reported his crisis until his death. Ucu Agustin was on location, together with journalists. She trying to capture their proceeding in January 2008.
Chinese cemeteries are renowned for their big and elaborate graves. People believe the higher the land, the closer the spirit will be to heaven. In East Java lies an infamous Chinese cemetery on Mount Bolo.After sunset Mount Bolo gives a different type of service to the public and transforms into an illegal prostitution area. Nur and Mira are mothers who are hammering and selling stones at the river close by. However, the daily pay from that job alone won’t be enough for their basic expenses. On Mount Bolo, for a fee of 10.000 rupiah (US $1 per session), these women have to serve men seeking sex at night on the hard surface of the Chinese family graves to make ends meet.
This film is part of the anthology 'AT STAKE/PERTARUHAN'.
AT STAKE/PERTARUHAN was officially selected for the Berlin International Film Festival at the Panorama Section in 2009. It was the first Indonesian documentary ever to be selected at the Berlinale. It was also screened at the Jakarta International Film Festival, the Hong Kong International Film Festival, and the Freedom Film Festival in Malaysia.
A roadshow of AT STAKE/PERTARUHAN was organised in cities such as Bogor, Cirebon, Yogyakarta, Malang, Batam, Lampung, Bengkulu, Bali, Pontianak, Jambi, Aceh, and Makassar. "At Stake" was also the opening film during 2009's Freedom Film Fest in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. If you are a film community or organization who wants to conduct a screening this movie, please contact Sandy Monteiro.
AT STAKE is a brave and eye-opening documentary tackling taboo issues that many women are facing in the world's most populous Islamic country. The film is the result of PROJECT CHANGE!, a master class documentary workshop, in which four projects from five emerging filmmakers were selected and produced in an anthology format. The topics range from female genital mutilation, the conflict over a woman's marital status and her access to reproductive health services, sex workers, female migrant workers, and the difficulties of being a lesbian in Indonesian society.
Indonesia.2008.28 min.Digital.Colour.Stereo
Producer: Nia Dinata
Director: Ucu Agustin
Indonesia.2007.57 min. MiniDV/DVD. Colour. Stereo
Producer: Nia Dinata
Director: Ucu Agustin
It started as a behind the scene project as a part of Chants Of Lotus publicity material. CHANTS OF LOTUS is a unique production as it is an anthology film inspired by the problems of Indonesian women.However, the journey of the behind the scenes got to a point where the anthology itself faced more and more challenges, especially from the Indonesian censorship board. Closely following Nia Dinata, the producer and one of the director of the anthology, the documentary evolved from a regular behind the scene footages to a documentary that reflects the fate of Chants of lotus, its women creators, and the fate of Indonesian marginalized women in general.
Awalnya cerita di balik layar ini dibuat sebagai materi publikasi film "Perempuan Punya Cerita". "Perempuan Punya Cerita" adalah sebuah project unik, dimana kisah-kisah perempuan Indonesia menjadi inspirasi dalam 4 film yang digabung menjadi satu.
Meskipun demikian, perjalanan dalam merekam kisah di balik layar pembuatan film ini sampai pada titik dimana kisah-kisah tersebut dihadapi semakin banyak masalah, khususnya dari Lembaga Sensor Indonesia. Dalam kisah di balik layar ini, Nia Dinata, produser dan sutradara dari salah satu cerita gabungan ini, membuat sebuah dokumenter ayng tadinya hanya merupakan potongan-potongan gambar menjadi sebuah dokumenter yang merefleksikan nasib "Perempuan Punya Cerita", sebuah karya para wanita dan nasib perempuan Indonesia yang termarjinalkan.
Producer: Nia Dinata
Director: Ucu Agustin
It started as a behind the scene project as a part of Chants Of Lotus publicity material. CHANTS OF LOTUS is a unique production as it is an anthology film inspired by the problems of Indonesian women.However, the journey of the behind the scenes got to a point where the anthology itself faced more and more challenges, especially from the Indonesian censorship board. Closely following Nia Dinata, the producer and one of the director of the anthology, the documentary evolved from a regular behind the scene footages to a documentary that reflects the fate of Chants of lotus, its women creators, and the fate of Indonesian marginalized women in general.
Awalnya cerita di balik layar ini dibuat sebagai materi publikasi film "Perempuan Punya Cerita". "Perempuan Punya Cerita" adalah sebuah project unik, dimana kisah-kisah perempuan Indonesia menjadi inspirasi dalam 4 film yang digabung menjadi satu.
Meskipun demikian, perjalanan dalam merekam kisah di balik layar pembuatan film ini sampai pada titik dimana kisah-kisah tersebut dihadapi semakin banyak masalah, khususnya dari Lembaga Sensor Indonesia. Dalam kisah di balik layar ini, Nia Dinata, produser dan sutradara dari salah satu cerita gabungan ini, membuat sebuah dokumenter ayng tadinya hanya merupakan potongan-potongan gambar menjadi sebuah dokumenter yang merefleksikan nasib "Perempuan Punya Cerita", sebuah karya para wanita dan nasib perempuan Indonesia yang termarjinalkan.
UCU AGUSTIN is a director/writer for Gambar Bergerak. Before being a documentary filmmaker, she worked as journalist in KBR 68H and in INGO, Common-Ground Indonesia. She wrote fiction and her books have been published by Gramedia publisher. She graduated from Syarif Hidayatullah Islamic University in Jakarta, Indonesia majoring in Islamic Philosophy.
VERONIKA KUSUMARYATI is a researcher and film curator. She works for detikhot and Klub Kajian Film IKJ where she runs and programs a film screening/discussion. She graduated from Jakarta Arts Institute majoring in Film/Media Studies.
PATAR SIMATUPANG is a lecturer, trainer and speaker in Television Journalism, Communications, Leadership, Youth and consults with Integrated Media Development and Management. The Program Development Manager of the School for Broadcast Media, Jakarta, Indonesia also lectures in Television Journalism, News Presenting and Short Video Production at the School for Broadcast Media. Patar also teaches News Making Criminology and Investigative Journalism at the University of Indonesia and at many universities in Jakarta. He graduated from The University of Northern British Columbia, Canada majoring in Business Management.
VERONIKA KUSUMARYATI is a researcher and film curator. She works for detikhot and Klub Kajian Film IKJ where she runs and programs a film screening/discussion. She graduated from Jakarta Arts Institute majoring in Film/Media Studies.
PATAR SIMATUPANG is a lecturer, trainer and speaker in Television Journalism, Communications, Leadership, Youth and consults with Integrated Media Development and Management. The Program Development Manager of the School for Broadcast Media, Jakarta, Indonesia also lectures in Television Journalism, News Presenting and Short Video Production at the School for Broadcast Media. Patar also teaches News Making Criminology and Investigative Journalism at the University of Indonesia and at many universities in Jakarta. He graduated from The University of Northern British Columbia, Canada majoring in Business Management.
Image: Greenpeace Indonesia
Director: Ucu Agustin
20 Min.HD. Indonesia
In Indonesia, poverty and violence will continue to happen and would never go far from the farmers and the circumference of the communities living around the forest, unless they are given the socio-economic benefits from forests and are not just told to carry the slogan, "DO NOT cut trees! DO NOT clear up FOREST! "The question is, can it happen? The existing forestry law is one-sided, worse, it even makes farmers who are dependent on forest becomes easily criminalized. This film is a journey to find a fair solution to complicated issues between farmers and forests. A sparkle of hope comes, not from large forest areas and centre of forestry issues such as in Kalimantan and Sumatra, but from Java island, in a place called Sarongge, located a hundred kilometers from Indonesia's capital, Jakarta. A radio station named Green Radio, attempts to bring together farmers towards sustainable and well-preserved forests.

Indonesia.2007.57 min. MiniDV/DVD. Colour. Stereo
It started as a behind the scene project as a part of Chants Of Lotus publicity material. CHANTS OF LOTUS is a unique production as it is an anthology film inspired by the problems of Indonesian women.
However, the journey of the behind the scenes got to a point where the anthology itself faced more and more challenges, especially from the Indonesian censorship board. Closely following Nia Dinata, the producer and one of the director of the anthology, the documentary evolved from a regular behind the scene footages to a documentary that reflects the fate of Chants of lotus, its women creators, and the fate of Indonesian marginalized women in general.
Indonesia.2008.9 min 26 sec. MiniDV/DVD. Colour. Stereo
Ten years has passed since Wawan were shot to death in Semanggi during the May riot. Ever since, his mother, Mrs. Sumarsih , vowed to continue Wawan’s fight for justice. Is she ever going to stop?
Ibu Sumarsih adalah ibu dari Wawan, salah seorang mahasiswa yang menjadi korban Tragedi Semanggi 1. Sejak tewasnya Wawan, Ibu Sumarsih tak henti menuntut keadilan hingga kini. Ibu Sumarsih sudah bertekad untuk melanjutkan perjuangan putranya demi tegaknya supremasi hukum di negeri ini. Akankah ia berhenti?
Part of the compilation 9808.
Rotterdam international Film Festival 2009
Ten years has passed since Wawan were shot to death in Semanggi during the May riot. Ever since, his mother, Mrs. Sumarsih , vowed to continue Wawan’s fight for justice. Is she ever going to stop?
Ibu Sumarsih adalah ibu dari Wawan, salah seorang mahasiswa yang menjadi korban Tragedi Semanggi 1. Sejak tewasnya Wawan, Ibu Sumarsih tak henti menuntut keadilan hingga kini. Ibu Sumarsih sudah bertekad untuk melanjutkan perjuangan putranya demi tegaknya supremasi hukum di negeri ini. Akankah ia berhenti?
Part of the compilation 9808.
Rotterdam international Film Festival 2009

Indonesia.2007.20 min. MiniDV/DVD. Colour. Stereo
Violence against women, women trafficking and rape cases are the most rampant problems faced by Indonesian women. Being women in Indonesia is not easy, even more for women with HIV/AIDS. Stigmatization and discrimination suffered by women with HIV/AIDS are much more heavier and severe than those who are not HIV/AIDS positive and even, male with HIV/AIDS. Our film tries to show gender aspect on HIV/AIDS issues.
Kekerasan terhadap perempuan, perdagangan anak-anak dan perempuan, serta pemerkosaan merupakan persoalan-persoalan yang masih harus dihadapi perempuan Indonesia. Menjadi perempuan di Indonesia bukanlah hal yang mudah, apalagi perempuan dengan HIV/AIDS. Stigmatisasi dan diskriminasi yang diderita perempuan dengan HIV/AIDS jauh lebih berat daripada mereka yang bukan HIV/AIDS positif, bahkan dengan laki-laki HIV/AIDS. Film ini berusaha melihat aspek gender dalam persoalan HIV/AIDS.
Think-Act-Change Documentary Competition, The Body Shop Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia, 2007 (in competition)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Indonesia.2006.22 min. MiniDV/DVD. Colour. Stereo
This film portrays how homeless and unidentified people (‘tunawan’) die in Jakarta. How can illegal citizen and poor people afford their funeral? How government treat them as bodies? Is it true that dead is sacred matter in Indonesia? How if the dead bodies is nothing, but “garbage” of our civilization?
Bagaimanakah seseorang mati di Jakarta? Apa yang akan terjadi dengan jenazahnya bila ia tak memiliki keluarga? Di Jakarta, mati bisa jadi persoalan rumit, apalagi jika miskin. Film ini menggambarkan bagaimana para tunawan mati di Jakarta. Bagaimana mereka bisa dikuburkan? Bagaimana pemerintah memberlakukan mereka sebagai warga negara? Apakah kematian benar-benar sesuatu yang suci di Indonesia?
Screening and Awards:
Winner of Jakarta International Film Festival Short Documentary Script Competition 2005.
Jakarta international FIlm Festival, Indonesia 2006
Tampere international Film Festival, Finland 2007
Oberhausen international Film Festival, Germany 2009
Indonesia.2006.42 min. Documentary. MiniDV/DVD. Colour. Stereo.
Narrated by radio voice, text, interviews with families and friend, and information available in media, the audience are invited to get to know the last three days of the life of prominent writer, Pramoedya Ananta Toer. It’s the only film that records the last days of ‘a great man’ with modest and small camera.
Dinarasikan melalui suara dari berita radio, text, wawancara dengan keluarga dan kerabat serta informasi dari berita yang tersebar di media, kita diajak untuk mengetahui apa dan bagaimanakah peristiwa yang terjadi dalam tiga hari terakhir kehidupan sastrawan Pramoedya Ananta Toer sebelum ia menghembuskan nafasnya. Sebuah film yang menggunakan kamera kecil untuk merekam hari terakhir seorang yang besar.
40th Day Commemoration of Pramoedya Ananta Toer's Decease, Teater Kecil, Taman Ismail Marzuki, Jakarta, Indonesia
Gambar Bergerak is where we share stories utilizing moving images - in Indonesian called gambar bergerak. We believe in the strength of stories and narrative documentary way of telling. Where did it all start? Why did stories reveal to us? It is a great question that continue whisper. How those stories seize our attention and make us to do something: to capture and utter them through strong and dynamic moving images, and this is why Gambar Bergerak in existence.
To catch stories, to smell issues, to spread them to more ears, to move hearts, to trig changes, to encourage efforts in fairness, equality, economic development, environment and human rights are amongst our main concern. To catch inspiring stories that in the end bring change to the society is something that we are unable to do alone. To reach this dream we offer to team-work with various organizations whose belief is in making changes through documentary films.
To catch stories, to smell issues, to spread them to more ears, to move hearts, to trig changes, to encourage efforts in fairness, equality, economic development, environment and human rights are amongst our main concern. To catch inspiring stories that in the end bring change to the society is something that we are unable to do alone. To reach this dream we offer to team-work with various organizations whose belief is in making changes through documentary films.
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